
Dates: 19th May – 26th May 2018
Tournament: Open A, Open B, Blitz
Prize fund: € 5.200 (five thousand two hundred euro)
Open A: players ELO FIDE rating > = 2000
Open B: players ELO FIDE rating from 0 to < = 2050
Time Control: 90‘x 40+15’ + 30” increment from the first move
Pairing system: Swiss-Dutch
Guest players: 10 titled players categories GM, WGM, IM, WIM
+ 2 Italian players Under 16
+ 2 “wild cards” at the discretion of the promoter


Rules and Regulations

Players to participate in the tournament must have their own ID FIDE as required by FIDE rules in use in the FSI tournaments.
Pairing system: Swiss-Dutch
Italian players or foreign players living in Italy on a regular basis must have Italian Chess Federation membership.
Arriving at the board 60 minutes later than the scheduled starting time, forfeits the game
Tie break system: buchholz system. – The Chief Arbiter’s decision is final.
It is not allowed to keep in the playing hall any electronic device, reception of Ecoresort Le Sirenè Hotel is ready to take care them for players not stay in the hotel only. They will have to fill up proper document to give electronic device and to show identity card to get it back.
According to Italian Chess Federation (FSI) rules the organizer reserves the right to make occasional changes where appropriate (prior notice will be given at the start of the event or on the website) to match scheduled times and rounds to improve the smooth running of the tournament.
Participation implies tacit acceptance of the CONDITIONS OF ENTRY, plus maximum sporting behaviour, appropriate dress in playing hall, etc.

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